Help for Inflammatory Skin Rashes

Alpha lipoic acid has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that could help in the treatment of skin rashes — including: (ii.219-220)
- Atopic dermatitis
- Contact dermatitis
- Psoriasis
Studies from decades ago suggest that some people with skin conditions may have an alpha lipoic acid deficiency. Urinary tests showed that 22% of patients tested had abnormally low levels of the antioxidant. (ii.221)
Immune System Support
An overactive immune system response contributes to inflammatory skin rashes. One way to treat these conditions would be to help regulate and reduce this response. (ii.219)
Boosting certain anti-inflammatory PPAR proteins in skin cells may help. Studies show that topical creams and oral supplements made with alpha lipoic acid derivatives worked better than known PPAR drugs typically used to treat diabetes. (ii.219)
Metabolic Support for Psoriasis Patients
Psoriasis is linked to metabolic syndrome diseases, including: (ii.222)
- Hypertension
- Obesity
- High cholesterol levels
All of these conditions are characterized by chronic inflammation. Taking antioxidants along with anti-inflammatory drugs for psoriasis may help. (ii.222)

Clinical studies using alpha lipoic acid show it help treat high blood pressure. At least 2 large clinical studies indicate it may even help you lose weight. In patients with psoriasis, alpha lipoic acid and other antioxidants helped get cholesterol levels back to normal. (ii.23, 25, 222-223)
Recommended Dosage
Integrative medicine doctors suggest that oral doses of 600-1200 mg/day of alpha lipoic acid could help repair. (ii.224)
Precaution — Delayed Allergic Reaction

Doctors have reported rare cases of patients having an allergic reaction to alpha lipoic acid:
- A patient taking a supplement containing 600 mg of prolonged-release alpha lipoic acid developed contact dermatitis on the face and scalp after 10 days. The supplement also contained carnosine, zinc, and B vitamins. Skin prick tests done months after all clinical symptoms were gone showed that the alpha lipoic acid was the cause of the allergic reaction. (ii.225)
- In 2 case reports published in 2006, two women developed severe dermatitis after using anti-aging creams. Allergy tests determined that it was the alpha lipoic acid ingredient in the creams that caused the allergic reaction. A third case report involved a woman who developed an eczema-type rash after using a skin cream containing alpha lipoic acid. Later allergy tests confirmed the reaction to alpha lipoic acid. (ii.226)