Diseases, Disorders, and Health Conditions Alpha Lipoic Acid May Help

- Abnormal heart rate (ii.30)
- Acetaminophen poisoning (ii.21)
- Acute coronary syndrome (ii.1, 11-12)
- Alzheimer's disease (ii.1)
- Asthma (ii.1)
- Autism (ii.33)
- Bed sores (ii.29)
- Bladder cancer (ii.6-7)
- Brain tumors (ii.6-7)
- Breast cancer (ii.6-7)
- Burning mouth syndrome (ii.34)
- Cataracts (ii.3, 36)
- Chemotherapy side effects (ii.37)
- Chronic fatigue syndrome (ii.39)
- Clogged arteries (ii.1)
- Colon cancer (ii.8)
- Diabetes and diabetic complications (ii.1, 23-24, 43)
- Diabetic retinopathy (ii.3)
- Diabetic ulcers (ii.29)
- Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase deficiency (ii.32)
- Epilepsy (ii.46)
- Erectile dysfunction (ED) (ii.16)
- Fanconi anemia (ii.47)
- Fatty liver disease (ii.49)
- Fibromyalgia (ii.50)
- Glaucoma (ii.3, 36)
- Hearing loss (ii.27)
- Heart attack (ii.51)
- Hepatitis C (including in patients with severe cirrhosis of the liver) (ii.20)
- High blood pressure (ii.1, 53-54)
- HIV-1 (ii.13-14)
- Huntington's disease (ii.56)
- Immune system (weakened) (ii.1)
- Influenza A (ii.31)
- Insulin resistance (ii.1, 23-24)
- Kidney disease (advanced and chronic) (ii.18-19)
- Lactic acidosis (ii.32)
- Leigh disease (ii.32)
- Leukemia (ii.9)
- Liver damage (from toxins such as certain drugs or poisonous mushrooms, which can be fatal) (ii.21-22)
- Lung cancer growth (ii.6-7)
- Male infertility (ii.15-16)
- Mania (ii.35)
- Maple syrup urine disease (ii.32)
- Menstrual irregularities (ii.38)
- Metastatic pancreatic cancer (ii.40-41)
- Metastatic thyroid cancer (ii.42)
- Multiple sclerosis (ii.1, 26)
- Obesity (ii.23, 25)
- Osteoporosis (ii.5)
- Parkinson's disease (ii.44)
- Periodontal disease (ii.45)
- Peripheral neuropathy (including pain relief) (ii.2)
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (ii.38)
- Preterm birth (ii.48)
- Psoriasis (ii.28)
- Radiation exposure (ii.51)
- Rheumatoid arthritis (ii.1)
- Skin cancer (including melanoma) (ii.6-7, 52)
- Stroke (ii.1)
- Ulcerative colitis (IBD) (ii.10)
- Vision loss (ii.3-4)
- Wound healing (ii.55)
Table II.1: Health Conditions That May Be Prevented or Treated with Alpha Lipoic Acid
Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional consultation, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed physician. If you require any medical related advice, contact your physician promptly. Information presented on this website is exclusively of a general reference nature. Do not disregard medical advice or delay treatment as a result of accessing information at this site.